Fun Hockey Jokes To Help Break The Ice

Fun Hockey Jokes To Help Break The Ice

While many of you enjoy watching hockey players compete, hearing funny hockey jokes will boost your competitive spirit, while giving you a good laugh.

Jun 9, 2022 by FloHockey Staff
Fun Hockey Jokes To Help Break The Ice

If you are a hockey fan, these hockey jokes are best for you.

Hockey is an action-packed sport that literally can break the ice. Do you know what else can break the ice? These hockey puns.

While many of you enjoy watching hockey players compete, hearing funny hockey jokes will boost your competitive spirit, while giving you a good laugh.

Q: What do hockey players and magicians have in common?

A: Both do hat tricks.

A hat trick, as we hockey fans know, occurs when a player scores three goals in a game, typically garnering him a fan hat-throwing frenzy. Without their most well-known hat tricks, what good is a magician?

Q: Why did the new ice hockey player not perform well?

A: Of course, he got cold feet.

Q: What happened to the hockey player who demanded money?

A: He was given a check.

Do you expect it to be a cash check? No, it's a powerful body drive intended to drive an opponent against the boards or into the ice. Yikes!

Q: What do you call a monkey who wins the Stanley Cup?

A: A chimpion.

Q: Why do NHL players never sweat?

A: Because of the ice? No. It's because all the stadiums have lots of fans.

Q: Why is the hockey rink hot after the game?

A: Because all the fans have left.

Q: When do hockey players dress in formal attire?

A: When it is a tie game.

Maybe it's the only time hockey players sweat - in a crucial tie game.

Q: Why is Cinderella so bad at hockey?

A: She always loses a skate.

Of course, you can't play hockey with a single skate.

Q: Why did a hockey player climb a tree with his hockey stick?

A: He wanted to join the maple leafs.

Who wouldn't want to become a member of the Maple Leafs? The Maple Leafs have won the Stanley Cup 13 times.

Q: Why is a great hockey player like Wayne Gretzky not allowed to listen to music?

A: Because he broke so many records.

The NHL's Official Guide and Record Book lists 61 records Wayne Gretzky owns or shares, including 40 for the regular season, 15 for the Stanley Cup playoffs and six for the All-Star Game. What a legend.

Q: What was the hockey player's favorite part of his birthday party?

A: The icing on the cake.

Q: What do a bad hockey team and the Titanic have in common?

A: They both look good until they hit the ice.

Well, that's it for our hockey jokes collection. 

These jokes can be a fantastic way to break the ice with family and friends, but keep in mind that if you tell this joke in a hockey rink, the game might be stopped because of broken ice.