Hockey Memes That Are Funny But Also True
Hockey Memes That Are Funny But Also True
Hockey fans share moments where we randomly browse our social media feeds and come across a hilarious hockey meme that is just too funny not to share.

Hockey fanatics share that moment where we randomly browse our social media feeds and come across a hilarious hockey meme that is just too funny not to share.
But then we think, "Hey, that's pretty accurate."
Let me share with you some of my favorite funny but accurate hockey memes:
"Your Sport Is Probably Tougher Than Ours"
This one is great! Check it our here.
At first sight, hockey may not seem like a tough sport. Basketball, boxing, football and rugby players seem to get all the glory when it comes to being tough.
But ask any hockey player, and they'll tell you that hockey is one of, if not the most, challenging sport out there. Just look at this player that crashes through glass. Yikes!
"This Is How Hockey Players Shave!"
On the edge of your seat? Check out this one here.
It's one of the classic memes of hockey!
Hockey players don't shave beards, unless it's the end of the season.
Bob Nystrom once shared that not having their beards shaved is a superstition.
"You get on a winning streak, you don't want to change a thing," he said.
So, can we see players shave their beards using their skates?
"Waiting For The NHL Season To Start"
This one is scary good. Check it out now.
We've been through this together, fellow hockey fans. The long, excruciating wait for the NHL season to start is real. And it's only made worse by seeing baseball and football players start their seasons, while we're still in the offseason.
But the wait is always worth it once the puck drops and the season's first game starts.
"One King Gives You Hope; A Team Full Of Kings Gives You A Cup"
Is this one the king of them all? Click here to find out!
Remember when the L.A. Kings got their cup back in 2014 in Stanley Cup Finals? It might be a roller coaster for Kings fans ever since, but there's always that one season where your team does fantastically, and you have hope for next season.
And what's better than having a whole team full of kings?
So, L.A. King fans have to love this meme.
Do you have any memes for hockey players? If not, go out and create some! The game wouldn't be the same without them.